City of Alton Street Improvements
City of Alton, Missouri
project cost
Funding Source
Community Development Block Grant
project description
The City of Alton, Missouri was successfully awarded a $496,385 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to apply asphalt overlay to over fifteen thousand feet of city street. Heartland Engineering was selected to assist the city with surveying, developing plans and specifications, and creating the bid documents necessary to begin construction. The completed project resulted in newly paved surfaces on twelve separate streets where transportation conditions had deteriorated. Many of the streets selected for repair suffered from common age-related conditions such as alligator cracking, potholes and deteriorated shoulders. The asphalt repairs will substantially increase the life of the city streets and avoid the high costs associated with complete reconstruction.
The paving project was successfully bid in June 2023 and construction was completed in August 2023. The plan is for the city to the re-apply for street paving funding once eligible to fund the cost to repair additional streets.
Our Work
Creating Modern Communities
City and County Street Repairs – CDBG Funding
Heartland Engineering is excited to announce our selection for several upcoming street paving projects…
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